Across the Bridge

There’s was this line that had been playing through my head for a long time. It goes like, “Love creates a bridge where it may seem impossible. This has always made me reflect about so many things. If we are passionate enough about our dreams and love them, then nothing is impossible.
If we have the capability to forgive , give people second chances , get to really know someone before jumping to conclusions and criticizing them , the world would be a better place.
When we give ourselves a chance to get to know someone who hurts us, it’s a completely distinct feeling.
I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t hurt; but more than the pain is a beautiful feeling of content and liberation and joy. The feeling of loving someone enough to forgive them, even our worst enemy. Through this process, we get to the next part of ourselves the best version we can be proud of.
It’s also time to let go and we can do so with a smile knowing that somewhere out there lies something better . C.S Lewis said “What lies ahead is far far better than anything we left behind”
So leave it all behind today
All the pain , unhappiness and worry because I promise you we all deserve better.image


As a small girl, I’d lie on the bed and watch the different colors play across the wall. It would light up with the reflection of the different colors flying through the air. The noise would scare me a bit, but my eyes would lay transfixed on the wall.
When I think about this now, I think about how much time has passed.
How I don’t see this wall anymore. And these loud noises play in my head. They’re my thoughts. Bursting with different colors leaving me fixated on situations that grabbed my attention and kept me hooked onto it.
As I heard the crackers burst outside, I gave more importance to the ones I could control. The ones in my mind that left fires burning so bright that needed to be put out before they could consume me.image